New Delhi: Singer Amit Trivedi says the upcoming series Khalbali Records has music at the very heart of its storytelling. Directed by Devanshu Singh, the series is slated to release on September 12 on JioCinema featuring Ram Kapoor, Skand Thakur, Saloni Batra, Salonie Patel, and Punjabi rapper Prabh Deep in pivotal roles along with a special appearance from EPR and Kumar Varun.
Trivedi, one of the most successful music composers in Hindi cinema, along with Azadi Records, has produced many soulful soundtracks for the show. "Khalbali Records is not just a series, it's a musical journey with each note carefully chosen to reflect the myriads of emotions captured in the narrative. It's not often that we find a show that places music at the very heart of its storytelling," said Trivedi in a press release.
"It took us weeks to ensure that each note and melody was the best we could do and matched the emotions in the script," he said. The plot of the series follows the journey of Raghav, a talented music producer working at his father's prestigious record label, Galaxy Records. After a tragic event shakes his world, Raghav becomes increasingly disillusioned with the way his father's company operates and its lack of genuine support for artists.