Hyderabad:Bassist Mohini Dey, who has gained prominence for her work with composer AR Rahman, has announced her separation from husband Mark Hartsuch in a joint statement shared on Instagram on Tuesday. The announcement comes just hours after Rahman and his wife, Saira Banu, shared their separation.
In the heartfelt post, Mohini and Mark shared that their decision to part ways was mutual, emphasising that both parties are still on amicable terms. "We remain great friends," Mohini stated, adding that their separation was due to differing desires in life, which they felt was best resolved through mutual understanding. The couple also assured followers that their professional collaborations would continue, including ongoing projects such as MaMoGi and Mohini Dey's music group.
The 29-year-old Kolkata-based bassist, who has performed with Rahman in over 40 global shows, expressed gratitude for the support she and Mark had received. However, she requested that their decision be respected without judgment, urging fans and the media to be mindful of their privacy in this difficult hour.