Hyderabad: Hyderabad police have summoned Tollywood superstar Allu Arjun for questioning in connection with the Sandhya Theatre stampede that occurred during the premiere of Pushpa 2: The Rule. The actor has been directed to appear at Chikkadpally Police Station on Tuesday at 11 am for further inquiry. The incident on December 4 led to the death of a woman and critically injured her son, leading to legal action against the theatre management, Allu Arjun, and his team.
The actor, listed as accused number 11 in the case, faces charges of culpable homicide not amounting to murder. He was initially arrested on December 13 and produced before a city court, which remanded him to judicial custody for 14 days. However, the Telangana High Court granted interim bail to the actor the same day, allowing his release from Chanchalguda Jail the following day.
Hyderabad Police Commissioner CV Anand revealed on Sunday that the police had compiled a detailed 10-minute video reconstructing the events of December 4, using over 1,000 video clippings as evidence. The video was released to refute Allu Arjun's claims and provide a minute-by-minute account of the stampede at Sandhya Theatre. The footage aims to establish that the actor's visit to the venue, along with a subsequent roadshow, led to overcrowding and chaos.