Hyderabad:Tollywood superstar Allu Arjun appeared before the Chikkadpally Police Station on Monday morning, responding to the summons in connection with the tragic stampede at Sandhya Theater during the premiere of Pushpa 2 on December 4, 2024. The incident led to the death of a woman, Revathi, and left her son, Sritej, seriously injured. The police are conducting a thorough investigation into the incident, with the questioning running till 2:45 pm.
The actor, accompanied by YVS Sudheendra, IPS, Deputy Commissioner of Police (DCP) for the Task Force, was questioned regarding his role in the stampede. Allu Arjun has already provided his statement, and the authorities are closely examining the actions of his bouncers during the incident. Reports suggest the stampede may have been triggered after the actor's bouncer pushed away his fans. In connection with this, one of the bouncers, Antony, was arrested and then granted conditional bail on Monday. So far, 11 individuals have been arrested, and a total of 18 people are named as accused in the case.
Authorities are now questioning whether the bouncers were hired according to the prescribed rules and have sought further details from Allu Arjun on the matter. More notices are expected to be issued as the investigation progresses. The police inquiry focuses on whether Allu Arjun organised a rally without necessary permissions, which may have led to the overcrowding and eventual tragedy.