Chennai:In a recent development, Nasser, the President of the South Indian Artiste's Association (SIAA), also known as Nadigar Sangam, announced plans to resolve ongoing issues with the Tamil Film Producers Association (TFPC) through negotiations. This announcement follows a high-profile meeting held on Sunday evening at the association's office in T.Nagar, here. During the executive committee meeting, Nasser, along with Treasurer Karthi, Vice President Poochi Murugan, and other committee members, discussed the current disputes between the actors' and producers' associations.
Nasser emphasised that their primary goal is to elevate the film industry and to address and resolve the conflicts amicably. "The meeting was part of our regular schedule," Nasser stated. "We've made several key decisions aimed at improving the industry and will be sharing these with the Producers' Union. Our approach is to communicate directly with them rather than through the press," he added.
The discussions come amid controversy following a recent statement from the Tamil Film Producers Association. Last month, the association had announced a temporary halt on the start of new films from August 16 and a complete stop to all Tamil cinema-related shooting from November 1. This decision was reportedly in response to unresolved issues involving actor Dhanush, although no formal complaint had been lodged against him by the Producers' Association.