Hyderabad: The makers of the upcoming film Vidaamuyarchi, starring Tamil superstar Ajith Kumar in the lead role, have shared that the movie's trailer will be out today, on January 16. The action thriller, which was initially slated for a grand release on January 10, 2025, but was postponed due to unforeseen circumstances, is now set to hit the silver screens on February 6, 2025.
The owner of Vettri Theatres in Chennai broke the news regarding the new release date on X (formerly Twitter), hinting at the possibility of a shuffling of other films currently in theatres. It was said an official announcement will be made during the launch of the trailer.
The trailer of Vidaamuyarchi will be out today, January 16, 2025, at 6:40 PM on Sun TV's official YouTube channel. The trailer, with a runtime of 2 minutes and 24 seconds, has been certified and promises to give a glimpse into the high-octane thriller. Taking to Instagram, Lyca Productions wrote, "Hold tight! The VIDAAMUYARCHI & PATTUDALA Trailer is releasing today at 6:40 PM. Efforts Never Fail!"