Hyderabad: The release of the highly-anticipated Tamil action-thriller Vidaamuyarchi, starring Ajith Kumar and directed by Magizh Thirumeni, has been postponed. Initially slated for a release during the Pongal 2025 holiday season, the makers, Lyca Productions, announced the delay through a statement on December 31, 2024.
"Due to unavoidable circumstances, our film Vidaamuyarchi will not be released on Pongal day," Lyca Productions said in a post on X (formerly Twitter). The announcement left fans disappointed as they eagerly waited for the film, which promised a high-octane cinematic experience.
The teaser for Vidaamuyarchi, released in November 2024, generated significant buzz. It showcased Ajith Kumar in an intense avatar, fueling excitement for what was described as an action-packed crime drama set against the backdrop of a desolate region. The movie, shot predominantly in Azerbaijan, also stars Trisha Krishnan, Regina Cassandra, and Arjun Sarja in pivotal roles.
Fans took to social media to express their dismay over the delay. "I thought of starting the year on a positive note, but it seems you all had a different idea," wrote a fan on X. Another wrote, "Another day, another heartbreaking news for #AK fans."
The postponement has also impacted the festive release schedule in Tamil cinema, with Vidaamuyarchi leaving a coveted Pongal release slot, which typically guarantees an extended weekend at the box office due to holiday celebrations.
While Lyca Productions cited "unavoidable circumstances" in their statement, industry insiders have speculated that settlement issues might have led to the postponement. Sources close to the production team revealed that financial disagreements could be the reason behind the sudden decision.
The technical team of Vidaamuyarchi includes composer Anirudh Ravichander, cinematographers Nirav Shah and Om Prakash, and editor NB Srikanth. The movie's storyline reportedly revolves around a man venturing into a desert to search for his missing wife, only to uncover a deadly network run by a ruthless gangster. Speculation suggests that the film draws inspiration from the 1997 Hollywood thriller Breakdown, starring Kurt Russell.