Hyderabad:Tamil actor Ajith Kumar, who is best known for his action-packed roles on screen, is also an avid race car enthusiast. The actor took part in the Dubai 24H Series after a fatal accident that occurred during a practice session. Despite that, the actor competed in the race, finishing third in the 991 category and Spirit of the Race in the GT4 category. The actor became emotional and celebrated his achievement with his wife and children.
The Tamil actor recently returned to racing, competing in the 24H Dubai 2025 endurance race over the weekend. The actor's team, Ajith Kumar Racing, won some races there, and he was seen celebrating it by kissing his wife at the race course and later waving the Indian flag. In a video going viral, he can be seen waving the Indian flag as he runs out of the pavilion. Later, he was also seen waving the flag while blowing flying kisses to his supporters.
His team posted on X (previously known as Twitter): "Double whammy for Ajith kumar. 3rd place in the 991 category and Spirit of the race in the gt4 category. What a remarkable comeback after an accident due to a break failure (sic)." Videos of the actor jumping with his colleagues as soon as the winners were declared have gone viral on X, with one user remarking, "#Ajithkumar - The Man is celebrating the success with full Vibe."