Hyderabad: Tamil superstar and rising politician Vijay on Saturday shared an earnest message with fans ahead of his public political conference scheduled to be held tomorrow, October 27, in Vikravandi, Viluppuram district, Tamil Nadu. The conference marks a significant step for Vijay's newly launched political party, Tamilaga Vettri Kazhagam.
In his message, posted on the social media platform X, Vijay addressed his supporters as "comrades in my heart," expressing his concern for their safety and well-being. He advised attendees to avoid two-wheeler travel and prioritise their safety while making the journey. Emphasising a need for caution, he stated, "Just like my name, certain things must be repeated. Similarly, I am here to reiterate what I've already mentioned in my letters, as your safety and well-being are my utmost priority."
Vijay also urged his fans to be considerate of public order by adhering to traffic rules and avoiding any inconvenience to the public along the way. He requested that they respect local traffic regulations, cooperate with conference volunteers and private security staff, and show complete adherence to police security measures. "Pay attention to traffic regulations, cooperate with the conference volunteers and private security team, and extend complete cooperation to the police security protocols related to the conference," he wrote.