Hyderabad: Actor Aditi Rao Hydari welcomed 2025 by taking a walk down memory lane, sharing a heartwarming video on Instagram that showcased her most cherished moments from 2024. The video montage offered fans an intimate glimpse into her personal and professional life, with standout moments featuring her husband, actor Siddharth.
The video included behind-the-scenes snippets from Aditi's work on Heeramandi, serene vacation highlights with Siddharth, and candid moments from their private wedding celebrations. One moment that captured the internet's attention was an unseen photo of Siddharth's romantic proposal. In the image, Siddharth is seen down on one knee, while Aditi looks on in joyous surprise. Aditi also shared romantic selfies with her husband and heartwarming moments spent with his family. Captioning the video, Aditi wrote, "Thank you, 2024. Welcome, 2025 – be kind. Happy New Year!"