Hyderabad:Mumbai Police revealed that a fake charge was lodged against actor Raveena Tandon with the Khar Police, accusing her of being drunk, reckless driving, and assault. Tandon too took to X to publish a snapshot of a post from a paparazzi on X stating that the complainant submitted a false report in the matter, and that after reviewing the CCTV footage, it was discovered that Raveena's car did not hit anyone and she was not drunk. According to a report in a Mumbai-based daily, Deputy Commissioner of Police (DCP) Rajtilak Roshan of Zone 9 said the complaint was fake.
"The complainant gave a false complaint in the alleged video. We checked the entire CCTV footage of the society and found that the actress's driver was reversing the car from the road into the society when this family was crossing the same lane. The family stopped the car and told the driver that he should check if people were behind the car before reversing and an argument started between them," the DCP said while speaking to the daily.
When the argument got heated, Raveena came to the spot to check on her driver and tried to protect him from the mob. The duo went to the Khar police station to file complaints but subsequently withdrew them.
"This argument escalated into abusive language, and actress Raveena Tandon arrived at the spot to check what had happened with her driver. The actress tried to protect the driver from the mob; however, the mob started abusing her. Both Raveena Tandon and the family went to the Khar police station and gave written complaints. Later, they both also submitted letters stating they did not want to register any complaints," DCP Rajtilak Roshan explained.