Hyderabad: Celebrities are always in the spotlight, with every move they make being closely watched by the media. However, Abhishek Bachchan and Aishwarya Rai Bachchan have managed to rise above the rumors about their personal life. Recently, there were rumours about their relationship after Aishwarya was not seen at the Ambani wedding with the Bachchan family. However, the couple quickly put those rumors to rest by making several public appearances together, showing their bond is strong through their actions. Instead of responding with words, they let their actions speak for themselves, silencing the gossip.
The first sign of reassurance came when videos of Aishwarya and Abhishek vibing together at Ambani's wedding surfaced online. This contradicted the rumors of their alleged split. The couple then further silenced the gossip by attending their daughter Aaradhya's annual school function. While tabloids had a field day with their claims, the couple chose to let their actions speak for themselves.
Not long after, the couple and their daughter took a break to celebrate the New Year together. Upon returning to Mumbai in the early hours of Saturday, they were seen at the airport. Abhishek, effortlessly cool in a grey hoodie, and Aishwarya, looking every bit the diva in an elegant black ensemble, made a striking pair. Aaradhya, always the darling of the Bachchan family, looked adorable in her blue top and denim, sporting a cute sequined hairband.