Hyderabad: In the year 2021, when the Ram temple's foundation was laid by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, the film fraternity in Kerala openly disapproved of the event and criticised Modi on various social media platforms. Even several fans of these celebrities in Kerala followed suit and condemned the Prime Minister in the same year. Now, this same group of artists is once again expressing their stand for the Prana Prathistha event that took place in Ayodhya on January 22.
During the Prana Pratishtha ceremony at the Sri Ram temple in Ayodhya, Malayalam film stars and activists made their stance clear by posting the preamble of the Indian Constitution on their respective social media handles. Director Ashiq Abu, actors Parvathy Thiruvoth, Rima Kallingal, transgender activist Sheetal Shyam and Rashmi Satish among others decided to criticise the Ram Temple ceremony by sharing a picture of the Indian Constitution.