Hyderabad:On the 10th anniversary of the original film Mardaani, Yash Raj Films (YRF) has announced the franchise's third installment. Celebrated for its powerful portrayal of a female cop, the Mardaani series stars Rani Mukerji in the role of a cop named Shivani Shivaji Roy. The franchise began in 2014 and saw a successful sequel in 2019, gaining acclaim for its depiction of a woman confronting crime and corruption.
YRF took to Instagram to mark the occasion, expressing gratitude for a decade of support and hinting at exciting developments for the next chapter. "10 years of #Mardaani and the next chapter awaits. Celebrating the feisty, daredevil cop #ShivaniShivajiRoy and the spirit of #Mardaani today," the post read. Mukerji, known for her roles in Mrs. Chatterjee vs Norway, Hichki, and No One Killed Jessica, is set to reprise her role as Shivani Shivaji Roy.