New Delhi: A day after facing a backlash online from a section of people over the launch of the "Pure Veg Mode" service, Zomato CEO Deepinder Goyal on Wednesday said all its delivery partners will continue to wear red as the food delivery company rolled back its decision to introduce green uniform for those delivering vegetarian food.
Taking to X, Goyal said, "While we are going to continue to have a fleet for vegetarians, we have decided to remove the on-ground segregation of this fleet on the ground using the colour green. All our riders — both our regular fleet, and our fleet for vegetarians, will wear the colour red."
Goyal clarified that customers who opt for the 'pure veg' option can see on the mobile app that their orders will be delivered by the 'veg only' fleet. He said, "This means that the fleet meant for vegetarian orders will not be identifiable on the ground, but will show on the app that your veg orders will be served by the veg only fleet."
He explained that the fleet meant for vegetarian orders would not be identifiable on the ground but would show on the Zomato app and reassured customers that their veg orders would be served by the Veg Only fleet. Elaborating on the rationale behind the decision, Goyal said this will ensure that Zomato's red uniform delivery partners are not incorrectly associated with non-veg food, and blocked by any RWAs or societies during any special days.
Further, He emphasised, "our riders' physical safety is of paramount importance to us", adding, "We now realise that even some of our customers could get into trouble with their landlords, and that would not be a nice thing if that happened because of us". Goyal concluded the long post on X by thanking netizens for their input as he said, "You made us understand the unintended consequences of this rollout. All the love, and all the brickbats were all so useful - and helped us get to this optimal point".
In a long late-night post on X on Tuesday, the Zomato CEO had said the food delivery platform will "roll it back in a heartbeat" in case it witnesses significant negative social repercussions arising from the move. Goyal had also sought to allay concerns expressed by some users that some societies and RWAs may not allow Zomato's regular fleet to enter, after the launch of the "Pure Veg Fleet" in India for its pure vegetarian customers.