New Delhi:Tata Digital on Tuesday announced the appointment of Naveen Tahilyani as Chief Executive Officer & Managing Director of the company. Tahilyani is currently the CEO and Managing Director of Tata AIA Life Insurance, said a statement from the subsidiary of Tata Sons. He will take up new role effective February 19, 2024, it added.
Tata Digital appoints Naveen Tahilyani as CEO & MD
Tata Sons Pvt. appointed Naveen Tahilyani as the chief executive officer of Tata Digital Pvt. He will be taking over from Pratik Pal, who is stepping down from the position.
Published : Feb 6, 2024, 10:56 PM IST
He comes with a strong understanding of Indian consumer landscape and an extensive experience in the financial services sector. Tahilyani, an alumnus of IIT Madras and IIM Ahmedabad succeeds Pratik Pal who has served Tata Digital with dedication since its inception."Under Pratik's leadership, Tata Digital achieved significant milestones including launch of the Tata Neu app, and the foundation he helped to lay will continue to shape the company's future success," it said.
Commenting on the development, Tata Sons Chairman N. Chandrasekaran said: "I am delighted to welcome Naveen to Tata Digital. Naveen brings in strong understanding of consumer domain and a very successful track record of leadership. I wish Naveen success in his new role."