New Delhi: Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman on Thursday tabled a 'White Paper on the Indian Economy' in the Lok Sabha. Nirmala Sitharaman in her Interim Budget speech had announced that the Centre will come out with a white paper on the economy outlining the economic mismanagement in the 10 years of UPA rule till 2014.
The 59-page 'White Paper on the Indian Economy' said when the Modi government assumed office in 2014, the economy was in a "fragile state"; public finances were in "bad shape"; there was economic mismanagement and financial indiscipline, and widespread corruption.
As per the Centre's White Paper, the economy was in crisis in 2014 and a white paper then would have set a negative narrative and shaken the confidence of investors.
"The NDA government armed with political and policy stability, took tough decisions for greater economic good, unlike its predecessor UPA. Rather than employing quick fixes, the NDA government undertook bold reforms and built sturdy superstructure," the White Paper stated.