New Delhi:The government on Thursday raised MSP for raw jute by Rs 285 to Rs 5,335 per quintal for the 2024-25 season. The decision to fix the minimum support price (MSP) of raw jute (TDN-3 equivalent to earlier TD-5 grade) was taken at the Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs, Union Minister Piyush Goyal said.
He said the decision will greatly benefit farmers in eastern states, especially West Bengal. In the current season 2023-24, the government has procured a record amount of more than 6.24 lakh bales of raw jute at the cost of Rs 524.32 crore, benefitting around 1.65 lakh farmers. The MSP for 2024-25 will ensure a return of 64.8 per cent over the all-India weighted average cost of production, an official release said.