New Delhi:The Union government has been able to keep the fiscal deficit as per the budget estimates within the first 10 months of the current financial year and is likely to achieve the target of keeping under 5.8 per cent, showed the latest official data released on Thursday. On the one hand, the government was able to contain the fiscal deficit, on the other hand there was a buoyancy in the revenue receipts as it was able to achieve over 82 per cent of its revenue receipt targets during this period (April 2023-January 2024).
The data released by the controller general of accounts (CGA) under the Ministry of Finance showed that as against the budget estimate of fiscal deficit of Rs 17.35 lakh crore, the estimated fiscal deficit by the end of January this year was Rs 11 lakh crore, which is 63.6 per cent of the budget estimate. The fiscal deficit during the same period last fiscal was at a higher 67.8 per cent.
The fiscal deficit reflects the gap between overall expenditure and overall receipts of the Union government and represents the Union government’s total borrowing in a financial year. Similarly, during the first 10 months, the revenue deficit has been estimated at Rs 4.16 lakh crore as against the budget estimate of Rs 8.4 lakh crore, showing a marked improvement as it is below 50 per cent of the budget estimate. The revenue deficit during the same period last fiscal was 61 per cent.
Buoyancy in revenue collection
The Finance Minister’s budget estimates pegged the total revenue receipts for the current financial year at around Rs 27 lakh crore and in the first 10 months the Union government was able to achieve 82.2 per cent of its budget target as it collected Rs 22.18 lakh crore in the first 10 months. For the last fiscal, the ratio was a bit lower at 81.7 per cent for the same period.
However, in the case of net tax revenue of the Union government, the government was able to collect only 81 per cent of the budget estimates, the same it was able to achieve during the same period of last financial year. This year, the government has collected over Rs 18.79 lakh crore in net tax revenue in the first 10 months as against the budget estimate of Rs 23.24 lakh crore.