New Delhi: A nine-year-old mountaineer, a young AI scientist, a specially abled painter and a 'Google boy' were among the 19 children who were conferred with the Pradhan Mantri Rashtriya Bal Puraskar 2024 on Monday. President Droupadi Murmu presented the national awards to them for their exceptional achievements. Among the winners is Aaditya Vijay Brahmane, 12, from Maharashtra, who was awarded posthumously for his extraordinary act of courage. He sacrificed his life to rescue his cousins Harsh and Shlok from drowning in a river while playing.
Aryan Singh, 17, from Rajasthan is another remarkable recipient of the award. Singh ingeniously developed an Agrobot, an artificial intelligence-powered robot aimed at simplifying the lives of farmers by integrating cutting-edge technologies such as the Internet of Things (IoT). In Chhattisgarh, Armaan Ubhrani, also known as the 'Google boy', has earned the award for his outstanding prowess in mathematics and science.
At the tender age of six, Ubhrani has achieved numerous milestones, including becoming the youngest author of a book series and solving 100 multiplication sums, garnering recognition both nationally and internationally. In the domain of art and culture, eight-year-old Anushka Pathak from Uttar Pradesh has established herself in 'Katha Vachan' (religious text narration). Following in her esteemed father's footsteps, Pathak has captivated audiences across 22 states with her performances, becoming a recognised figure in the spiritual realm.
Arijeet Banerjee, 13, from West Bengal, a prodigy in playing the traditional Pakhawaj, has made an indelible mark on the cultural landscape. Having performed at prestigious events like the International Dhrupad Festival, Banerjee has received accolades such as the Bharat Ratna M S Subbulakshmi Fellowship and the Asia Book of Records. Despite facing severe cerebral palsy, 13-year-old Hetvi Kantibhai Khimsuriya from Gujarat has displayed extraordinary artistic abilities, creating 250 works of free-hand painting, receiving numerous awards, and selflessly donating her monthly disability pension to support differently abled children.
Ishfaq Hamid, 12, from Jammu and Kashmir has become a maestro of Rabab and Matka, receiving accolades during various festivals and being honoured with the Bhai Mardana National Award in 2020. Md Hussain, 16, from Bihar has excelled in handcrafted arts, winning accolades in state and national-level competitions, and even presenting his indigenous toys to Prime Minister Narendra Modi during the 'Pariksha Pe Charcha' programme.