Moga: Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann said on Sunday that the government will start the scheme of giving Rs 1,100 to women from January. Mann was in Moga for the launch of two projects — the foundation stone of the new construction of two buildings for Rs 10.31 crore was laid at the district administrative complex and a solar project, which will generate 12.5 per cent of the electricity for the office — where he told the media that the provisions of the schemes would be announced in the upcoming budget, and like the AAP government in Delhi, all promises would be materialised.
"Our Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) does politics of work. We do not do politics of greed. We do not do the politics of religion. We make strategies to unite the society and not to divide it. AAP is forming the government in Delhi for the fourth time. This time too, the party is getting more than 70 seats in the upcoming Delhi Assembly Elections," Mann said.
On farmer protest, he said, "The problems of farmers will be solved only through dialogue. It is a good thing that the Centre has agreed to talk to the farmers. If the government doesn't talk to the farmers, then with whom will it talk?"
He said the Centre has written down the address of the meeting with the farmers scheduled on January 14. "I have held four meetings at that place. The only solution to this problem is through talks," he said. However, he did not say whether he would attend the meeting or not.