Chennai:In a horrific incident, Vijaya (78) from Mayilai Sivamurthy Street, MGR Nagar, Chennai, was brutally murdered by a couple after stealing her jewellery and money. According to the police, after Vijaya did not return home from work on July 17, her daughter Loganayaki searched for her in many places, but in vain.
Later, on July 19, Loganayaki lodged a complaint at the MGR Nagar Police Station stating that her mother Vijaya was missing. In the complaint, "She stated that on July 17 when I came home from work my mother was missing. The owner of the house said that she had gone out."
She further stated that when she left home, she was wearing a white colour saree, white beads and eight-gram ear studs. Also, she was carrying cash and a single piece of gold jewellery in her bag, the complainant said.
Based on that, the police registered a case and started searching for the missing Vijaya. Meanwhile, on July 23, the police called Parthiban, who lived near Vijaya's house, to come for questioning. However, he was said to have vacated the house. After that, the police grew suspicious and searched for Parthiban using the mobile phone signal. While tracking their phone it was revealed that they were hiding in the Virudhunagar area.
After receiving the information, the MGR Nagar police, Chennai, formed a Special Force led by T Nagar Deputy Commissioner of Police and went to Virudhunagar and arrested the couple. During the grilling, Parthiban and his wife Sangeetha confessed that they had killed Vijaya after stealing her gold jewellery and cash.
After that, they were brought to Chennai and during the interrogation, startling information was revealed. According to the police, Parthiban-Sangeetha took Rs 20,000 hand loan from Loganayaki, the daughter of Vijaya, the murdered woman. Later, when Loganayaki asked them to repay the loan, they said that they would repay it soon. Meanwhile, Sangeetha saw that old woman Vijaya was keeping money in her briefcase.
Subsequently, when Vijaya was at home, Sangeetha and Partiban went to her place and snatched the money from her. When Vijaya raised alaram they hit her with an iron rod lying nearby. Immediately, Parthiban and Sangeetha carried the body to their house and they chopped the body into pieces and bundled it in a sack.
Later, they took the body on a two-wheeler and dumped it in a wash drain on East Jones Road, Saidapet in Chennai. Based on the information, the police, who were searching for the body of the woman in the canal, recovered the body and sent it to KK Nagar Government Hospital for post-mortem.
Read more:Man Kills Wife, Chops Body into Pieces in Karnataka Village