Kutch:Twenty-two-year-old Indra Mina tragically died after falling into a 500-foot-deep borewell in Kanchherai village, Bhuj taluka, Kutch district, on January 6. During the 34-hour rescue operation involving the NDRF, BSF, fire department, disaster management team, army, and local administration, she was retrieved from the borewell, but was found dead.
Trapped for hours, Indra Mina succumbed to injuries. The prolonged entrapment caused her body to swell, making it extremely difficult to extract her. The cause of her death—whether from the fall, suicide, or foul play—will be determined after the post-mortem and investigation. Her tragic death has left her family devastated.
Her death has left her family devastated. There has been speculation surrounding the cause of her death—whether it was due to the fall, a suicide, or foul play. Authorities will confirm the cause only after the post-mortem and further investigation.