New Delhi:CPI(M) MP John Brittas on Wednesday said that no speech is complete from the treasury benches without mention of Ayodhya and the prime minister, as he accused the BJP of "using Lord Ram" for political gains. During a debate on the motion of thanks on the President's address in Rajya Sabha, Brittas alleged that political programmes are being turned into religious programmes, and vice versa.
"You cannot deceive Lord Rama. Because though you are harping on Rama your only intention is to have... to reap political benefits, nothing else," he said. Brittas claimed that "without Ayodhya and without prime minister", no speech is completed from the treasury benches. The Left MP said that the prime minister should stick to his duties and go to Manipur.
"The primary responsibility of PM is to give 'pran' to citizens, not the Gods. He should obviously stick to his duties... he should go to Manipur and conduct a `Pran Pratishtha' for citizens. That should be done first," he said asking BJP not to indulge in "political drama to just get some votes". Brittas accused the BJP and RSS of "dismantling" institution after institution and described it as their pastime. He further said his Ram is Mahatma Gandhi's Ram of compassion, harmony and love.