New Delhi:The Supreme Court on Friday said that the plea challenging the Allahabad High Court order to combine 15 lawsuits on the Mathura Sri Krishna Janmabhoomi-Shahi Idgah Masjid dispute, may be raised later while querying that why should court intervene in the issue of consolidation of suits?
The matter came up before a bench led by Chief Justice of India Sanjiv Khanna and comprising Justice Sanjay Kumar. The bench said prima facie took a view in favour of the high court decision to consolidate all the lawsuits, saying it favours both sides of the litigation. The bench asked, “Why should we intervene in the issue of consolidation of suits….”.
A counsel, representing the Committee of Management Trust Shahi Idgah, contended that suits not similar in nature are consolidated. Citing the high court decision, the counsel argued that it says any plea made will be taken up together, and stressed that will result in complications.