Mumbai: After Deputy Chief Minister Eknath Shinde said no injustice would be done to anyone in this matter, Maharashtra Nirman Sena president Raj Thackeray said mere assurances are not enough. Thackeray, in a social media post, expressed hope that a comprehensive discussion should be held on the land owned by the Waqf Board across the country. He also cited the Bhoodan movement started by Vinoba Bhave, demanding the Board should show love for its country.
It has come to light that the Waqf Board claimed over 300 acres of land in Talegaon village of Ahmedpur taluka of Latur district. The Board has sent notices to about 103 villagers regarding vacating their lands which has sparked tension in the area.
"The news from Talegaon village in Ahmedpur taluka of Latur district is shocking. The Waqf Board has claimed almost 75 per cent of the total agricultural land in the village. Due to this, the livelihood of 103 farmers is in danger. Even though the state government has said that we will not allow injustice to any farmer, this is not enough," Thackeray's post reads.
He further said, "The question is not just about this land, it is about how to curb the terror the Board has been instilling in the people for the past several years through arbitrary administration. A few months ago, the central government introduced a bill in Parliament proposing amendments to the Waqf Act, on which Muslim-leaning opposition parties created a ruckus after which the bill was sent to a joint parliamentary committee for reconsideration. Needless to say, the position of the parties in the Maha Vikas Aghadi (MVA) on this amended bill was that of the opposition".
Thackeray explained the need to amend the bill in five points--
1) The right to decide whether a property belongs to the Waqf Board or not will be taken away; you will realise how necessary this is from the arbitrariness of the Waqf Board.
2) The decision of whether a property belongs to Waqf or the government was earlier made by the Waqf Tribunal and there were encroachments in many places. If this new bill is passed, the district collector will now decide the fate of it.