New Delhi:Vice President Jagdeep Dhankar on Wednesday said that "Emergency was the darkest period in our constitutional journey and it would always be remembered as the most shameful period."
Speaking at the launch of "Hamara Samvidhan, Hamara Samman" campaign to commemorate 75th year of India as Republic at Dr Ambedkar International Centre, New Delhi, the Vice President said that "The President is bound to the council of Ministers but the day when the President gave a nod to the Emergency, it reflected the failure of the Indian constitution. It was the darkest history in our constitutional journey."
Speaker further about the emergency which led to the suspension of fundamental rights and leading to the elimination of any form of protests and the subsequent jailing of the leaders, VP Dhankar said that "During these times of crisis, we all expected justice from the judiciary. But unfortunately, even the judiciary failed at that time. While the High Court played it's part and showed courage but unfortunately, the Supreme Court turned it down."
The Vice President who is also the chairperson of the Rajya Sabha further said that "We should always welcome criticism but not condemnation. People condemned the GST but look, how it is benefitting the country. It is very painful for me to see when people (Parliamentarians) creates disruptions in the house. Instead of being disruptive and noisy, they should discuss and debate."