Doiwala (Uttarakhand ): In a heart-wrenching incident, Harsh Saini, a 22-year-old medical student from Uttarakhand, was found dead at his residence on Premnagar Gurudwara Road in the Doiwala Kotwali area. Saini, who was pursuing an MBBS degree in Ukraine, was discovered hanging from a ceiling fan early Saturday morning.
Harsh Saini had returned to his native place on July 11 from Ukraine. According to the information, Harsh Saini went to sleep in his room in his two-storey house after eating food like every day. In the morning, when his father went to wake up his son, the door of the room was locked from inside. Even after calling, when there was no response from inside, he peeped through the window. The father found his son hanging from the fan. The door was broken in a hurry. The body was taken from the fan and taken to the Community Health Center where the doctors declared him dead.
According to local authorities, Harsh was scheduled to return to Ukraine on August 13 to resume his fourth year of medical studies. He was described by friends and family as a bright and sociable individual, known for his academic excellence and recent participation in religious rituals, including a Kanwar Yatra in Haridwar.