Indore: The crime branch of Uttar Pradesh Police arrested a father-son duo from Kannauj in connection with a case of digital duping worth Rs 46 lakhs. The duo, who worked as managers of a madrassa, was presented in court, which granted a 10-day remand to one accused and a jail term to the other.
As per preliminary investigation, over Rs 40 lakh was deposited in the account of the madrassa from where it was further transferred to 18 accounts in different cities. Aside from this, a large tranche of the amount was transferred to Sanghhai of China. Currently, police are digging deeper into the money trail.
The duo — identified as Ali Ahmed Khan and his son Asad — were the operators of Falah Darne Madrasa in Kannuj.
Additional DCP Rajesh Dandotia said, "Both the accused have committed fraud through a screen share option which was revealed during the inspection of their phones which were later sent to labs for forensic examination".
"In a case of house arrest, a fraud of Rs 46 lakhs was committed. Out of this, an amount of Rs 40 lakh reached the account of the madrassa from which it was routed to 18 different accounts. A huge transaction was carried out to transfer to the Shanghai City of China. The accused confessed to it during interrogation. This matter is being investigated in depth and the accused has been taken on a 10-day remand for an intense grilling. This entire network is being traced and police are looking to unearth more information on this," Dandotia said further.
"Asad informed that he made friends with a youth from Jammu and Kashmir through Facebook. The fraudster used to pay a 50 per cent commission to Asad for every transaction from his account. In this way, he opened several accounts in the name of the madrasa where money used to be deposited from various accounts across the country," Dandotia added.
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