Rajkot (Gujarat): Amid the ongoing row over Union minister and BJP leader Parshottam Rupala's controversial remarks on Kshatriyas, a special meeting of community members was organised by Kshatriya leader and former BJP MLA, Jairaj Singh Jadeja in Shemla village of Gondal on Friday. At the meeting, Rupala once again sought his apology and with folded hands said he never meant to hurt the sentiments of anyone.
Speaking at the meeting, Rupala, who is BJP's candidate for Rajkot Lok Sabha seat, said his party has come under criticism because of his statements and he deeply regrets it. "I have never taken back any of my statements in my entire life. But today my party is being criticised because of my statements. So, for my party's sake I withdraw my remarks and seek forgiveness from the entire community," he said.
After Rupala's second apology, BJP leader Jadeja said that Rupala has apologised not once but twice and so he must be forgiven. "I think the matter ends here. If anyone still has problem he should meet me in person to discuss it. The Kshatriya community has raised their hands in support for Rupala so there should not be any resentment now," he said.
Refuting Jadeja, Karni Sena Mahila Morcha president Padminiba Vala said that the matter does not end here. "If our sisters have been arrested, why was Rupalbhai not arrested? How many complaints have been filed against Ruplabhai till today? I also want to ask Modiji whether a person in politics is allowed to commit any crime. Sisters of my community have been arrested and we cannot accept it. Our brothers of the Kshatriya community should be ashamed of themselves for sitting and watching our sisters, who are fighting for the society, getting arrested," Vala said.