New Delhi: The Delhi Police told a court here Tuesday that former JNU student Umar Khalid amplified a false narrative in his favour through social media, completing its arguments against his bail plea in the 2020 Delhi riots case. Khalid is an accused in the alleged larger conspiracy behind the 2020 northeast Delhi communal riots. He has been booked under the stringent Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act (UAPA).
The arguments against Khalid's bail plea were made on Tuesday before Additional Sessions Judge Sameer Bajpai. Special Public Prosecutor Amit Prasad said Khalid's mobile phone data revealed he was in contact with some actors, politicians, activists and celebrities and sent them some links by certain news portals against the Delhi Police.
These links were sent with a request to share them on their social media accounts to set a particular narrative and amplify it. Citing his chats with these people -- who have a considerable social media following -- Prasad said Khalid amplified his narrative as part of a conspiracy. The SPP also played a video clip in the court, where Khalid's father was being interviewed by a news portal.