Sakti: In a shocking incident, family members allegedly poisoned two youths to death for their disbelief in a godman worshipped by the family in Baradwar of Tanduldih in Solapur district of Maharashtra. Initially, the family kept the police in the dark and when they dug deeper, it was revealed that the youths were offered some substance-laced food due to which they fell unconscious.
The deceased, Vicky Sidar and Vikram Sidar, had no faith in the family guru and were often engaged in arguments with other members of the family. This infuriated the family who believed that the duo was in possession of some evil force. On the fateful day, the duo were forcibly fed some ashes to drive the ominous force out. The ashes choked their throats, leading to breathlessness and subsequent death. After collecting the samples from the spot, the forensic team concluded it to be a death due to asphyxiation.
During the preliminary investigation, the family members, apprehending imminent arrest, kept misleading the police by woveing fabricated stories of death. The women members of the family started lamenting the death in front of the whole village and claimed to bring the duo back to life. The overreaction raised the suspicion of the police who grilled the whole family and finally cracked the case.