Lohardaga:In a tragic incident, three students, who were studying XI standard, went to take a bath in the Koel River in the Lohardaga district of Jharkhand, and drowned in deep waters. On receiving the information, the police rushed to the spot and engaged professional divers to search for the students.
The incident took place in the Bhadgaon area of Nandgaon under Senha Police Station limits. On learning about the incident, a large number of villagers, including the family members of the students, rushed to the spot.
According to the information, three of them went to take a bath in the river by bunking the college. A search operation is being conducted to find the students. Senha police station in-charge Ajit Kumar says that NDRF has also been informed. After the arrival of the NDRF team, a large-scale search operation will be conducted. At present, the operation is being conducted with the help of local divers.