New Delhi: The central government on Tuesday notified the appointment of Justices N Kotiswar Singh, Chief Justice Jammu and Kashmir High Court, and Justice R Mahadevan, acting chief justice of Madras High Court, as judges of the apex court. The government approved their elevation in less than a week after the apex court's collegium recommended their names.
Union Minister Arjun Ram Meghwal, in a post on X, said: “In exercise of the powers conferred by the Constitution of India, Hon’ble President, after consultation with Hon’ble Chief Justice of India, is pleased to appoint the following as Supreme Court judges: N Kotiswar Singh, chief justice Jammu and Kashmir High Court, and Justice R Mahadevan, acting chief justice of Madras High Court”.
On July 11, the apex court collegium, led by Chief Justice of India D Y Chandrachud, recommended to the Union government to appoint Justice Singh and Justice R Mahadevan, as judges of the apex court. At present there are two vacancies in the Supreme Court: the first vacancy was created by the retirement of Justice Aniruddha Bose on 10 April 2024 and the second by the retirement of Justice A S Bopanna on 19 May 2024. After the two judges take oath, the apex court will be at full sanctioned strength of 34 judges.