New Delhi:The Indian Meteorological Department (IMD) said that the much awaited Southwest monsoon will hit the Kerala coast on May 31, which is a day earlier than its normal schedule of June 1.
Typically, the monsoon arrives at the Kerala coast on June 1 with a seven days margin of error. It progresses to the entire country in the next two weeks after its onset.
Southwest Monsoon
The Weather office in a paper on "New Normal Dates of Onset/Progress and Withdrawal of Southwest Monsoon over India", published in 2020, said most of the country receives 70-90% of its annual rainfall during the southwest monsoon season (June – September).
The paper said, "the initial monsoon rains are experienced in the month of May over south Andaman Sea and the monsoon winds then advance in a north-westerly direction across the Bay of Bengal."
It said the onset and duration of this main rainy season along with the quantity of rainfall play a crucial role in "the agricultural planning, food security, and the lives of around 25 crores strong labour workforce in the agriculture and allied sectors of the country."
The duration of the monsoon over many parts of the south Peninsula is more than 4 months. The duration halves when it prevails over the north-western parts of the country. Advance of the southwest monsoon over the Indian mainland is marked by monsoon onset over Kerala and is an important indicator characterising the transition from a hot and dry season to a rainy season, it said.
How Forecast Data Is Arrived At?
For this year's monsoon season, the IMD's projections suggest that the southwest monsoon will start in Kerala around May 31, with a potential error margin of four days. The weather office has been issuing operational forecasts for the date of monsoon onset over Kerala from 2005 onwards.
An indigenously developed state of the art statistical model with a model error of ± 4 days is used for the purpose, a senior IMD official said.
The six "Predictors" used in the models include Minimum Temperatures over North-west India, Pre-monsoon rainfall peak over south Peninsula, Outgoing Long wave Radiation (OLR) over South China Sea, Lower tropospheric zonal wind over equatorial southeast Indian Ocean, OLR over Southwest Pacific Ocean and upper tropospheric zonal wind over equatorial northeast Indian Ocean.
According to the weather office, its forecasts regarding the onset of monsoon have never been proved wrong in the last 19 years except in 2015.
"IMD’s operational forecasts of the date of monsoon onset over Kerala during the past 19 years (2005-2023) were proved to be correct except in 2015", the official said.
Last year, the onset of the monsoon was on June 8. In 2022, it was May 29 while it was June 3 in 2021, June 1 in 2020 and June 8 in 2019.