Hyderabad: In a petrifying incident, a seven-year-old girl was brutally murdered by a man who allegedly had malicious intentions towards her mother to eliminate an obstacle in the pursuit of his ill motive. The atrocity took place on Dussehra in Hyderabad's Suraram area but came to light late on Tuesday.
According to reports, Samish Prabhakar (40), a native of Pataguda village in Adilabad district, moved to Hyderabad seven months ago, to work as a labourer. He lived in Jeevanjyotinagar, Suraram along with a woman from his village who had two daughters, including the deceased. The accused, Tirupati, who was also from the same locality and working as a labourer, was reportedly familiar with Prabhakar.
Tirupati, who had been eyeing the woman, allegedly hatched a plan with Prabhakar to eliminate her two daughters to remove "obstacles" on his way to be with her. On the morning of October 12, Tirupati took the woman's eldest daughter to his house on a two-wheeler and returned her around 3 pm. However, seeing none at home, he retook her at 5 pm.