New Delhi: The services on the Supreme Court's YouTube channel, which was hacked on Friday, have resumed. "This is to inform all concerned that the YouTube channel of the Supreme Court of India is live and up. The services on the YouTube channel of the Supreme Court of India have been resumed," said a notice uploaded on the apex court's website on Friday. The top court's YouTube channel was hacked on Friday and showed videos promoting a cryptocurrency developed by US-based company Ripple Labs.
A blank video with the title "Brad Garlinghouse: Ripple Responds To The SEC's $2 Billion Fine! XRP PRICE PREDICTION" was live on the hacked channel. Later in the day, a notice was posted on the apex court's website informing that the court's YouTube channel was taken down. "This is to inform all concerned that the YouTube channel of the Supreme Court of India has been taken down. The services on the YouTube channel of the Supreme Court of India will be resumed shortly," said the notice posted on the top court's website earlier on Friday.