Bengaluru:A devastating accident occurred on the National Highway near T Begur in Nelamangala, Bengaluru Rural district, claiming the lives of six family members. A container truck coming in the opposite direction jumped the divider and overturned onto a car, killing all occupants on the spot.
The deceased include businessman Chandra Yagapagola, 16-year-old John, 12-year-old Deeksha, 6-year-old Arya, 36-year-old Vijayalakshmi, and 42-year-old Gourabai. The family, residents of the HSR Layout in Bengaluru, were on their way to their hometown near the Vijayapura-Maharashtra border to celebrate Christmas. They were travelling in a Volvo car when the accident occurred on Tumkur Road.
The car was completely crushed under the weight of the container truck, dismembering the bodies inside. The container driver was also critically injured. The accident caused a significant traffic jam on National Highway 4, with a disruption stretching for about 10 kilometres. However, Bengaluru Rural Superintendent of Police CK Baba confirmed that the traffic was cleared swiftly and normal flow resumed.
The deceased have been identified as residents near the Vijayapura-Maharashtra border. The family, who lived in Bengaluru’s HSR Layout, was travelling in a Volvo car to their hometown to celebrate Christmas.