New Delhi: To find solutions to major national security challenges through discussions amongst senior police officials managing national security challenges, young police officers working at the cutting-edge level and domain experts, Home Minister Amit Shah inaugurated the two-day National Security Strategies Conference – 2024 in New Delhi on Friday.
“The idea of the National Security Strategies Conference was conceived by Prime Minister Narendra Modi during the DGsP/IGsP Conference to find solutions to major national security challenges through discussions amongst a unique mix of senior police leadership managing national security challenges, young police officers working at the cutting-edge level and domain experts of specialised fields,” a Home Ministry spokesperson said.
The roadmap to solutions to emerging national security challenges will be chalked out with the top police leadership of states, UTs, CAPFs, and CPOs during the two-day conference.
Significantly, to implement the decisions taken during the annual DGsP/IGsP conference chaired by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, a DGsP/IGsP Conference Recommendations' Dashboard developed by the NCRB was also launched during the inauguration programme.