New Delhi: The Supreme Court on Friday asked the Uttar Pradesh government to ensure "peace and harmony" is maintained in Sambhal, and asked the trial court not to proceed in the suit against the Sambhal Jama Masjid, till the petition filed by the masjid committee against the survey order is listed before the high court. The apex court asked the Sambhal district administration to form peace committees and maintain peace and harmony in the area.
The matter came up before a bench led by Chief Justice of India Sanjiv Khanna and Justice Sanjay Kumar. The CJI said the court is not going into merits of the matter and stressed, “We don't want anything to happen in the meanwhile...”.
At the beginning of the hearing, the CJI said peace and harmony should be maintained. The bench told senior advocate Huzefa Ahmadi, representing the Sambhal Shahi Jama Masjid Committee, that the court understands that he may have reservations on the order passed by the trial court.
Ahmadi said the bench had already seen the trial court order. The CJI said the court will keep this petition pending and “we want peace and harmony and do not want any disturbance”. “In the meanwhile, you file whatever remedy is available to you and we will keep it pending….till then let the trial court not take any further (action)…”, said the CJI.
At this juncture, advocate Vishnu Shankar Jain, representing the Hindu side, attempted to make submissions before the bench. The CJI said, “we do not want to go into the merits….normally we do not allow them to leapfrog and come”. Jain said the next date of hearing before the trial court is January 8. “We do not want anything to happen in the meanwhile, that is all…anything should not happen. They have a right to file. They (the committee) have a right to challenge that order”, said the CJI.
Additional solicitor general K M Nataraj informed the court that he is representing the district administration and added that they are taking care of everything and all precautions will be taken. The CJI said please ensure that peace and harmony is maintained, and added, “we do not want anything to happen. Please also section 43 of the new Mediation Act, where the district administration has to form peace committees, members of all the groups”.
Nataraj said they do not want any untoward incident to happen. “You have to be neutral. Ensure that nothing goes wrong”, said the CJI. Ahmadi said he is aware of ten suits which are pending against the length and breadth of the country, and added that the modus operandi in these cases is that on the first day a survey is appointed and requested the apex court to stay the trial court order.