Mumbai : The Mumbai Crime Branch on Monday filed a 1,735-page charge sheet in the Special MCOCA Court in connection with the shooting at Bollywood actor Salman Khan's house. The shooting took place on April 14 at Salman Khan's Galaxy apartment in Bandra.
Lawrence Bishnoi, the mastermind of the shooting, is lodged in Sabarmati Jail while his brother Anmol Bishnoi and friend Rohit Godara are hiding in Canada.
Police claimed in the charge sheet that Lawrence Bishnoi wanted to extort money from film industry personalities and businessmen by creating terror. The police have recorded the statements of a total of 46 witnesses in this case. Two of the arrested accused have recorded their confessions in the MCOCA court. A charge sheet has been filed against nine accused including Lawrence Bishnoi, his younger brother Anmol Bishnoi and their associate Rohit Godara.
Both Anmol and Rohit are abroad. Lawrence Bishnoi is in Gujarat's Sabarmati Jail. Police officials said that the police have also written a letter to the central government through the state's ACS home to arrest Lawrence Bishnoi in this case. The police claimed in the charge sheet that two pistols recovered from the Tapi river in Gujarat and a gun found near Salman Khan's house were matched by forensic tests, which revealed that they were the same pistol.