New Delhi: Following two events that raised safety concerns regarding crash landings in October of last year, the Directorate of General Civil Aviation (DGCA) banned flight operations for Redbird Flight Training Academy at all bases nationwide. However, the Academy on Tuesday confirmed that it was back in business and has resumed operation.
“We, at Redbird Flight Training, feel immense pride in announcing a successful completion of the recertification process of our maintenance approval and resumption of our flying training operations,” the company said in a statement.
However, WhatsApp chats accessed by ETV Bharat, state that several students demanding proof of the resumption of operations were neither given a reply to and deleted from the official WhatsApp group of Redbird.
Talking to ETV Bharat, a trainee pilot enrolled at Red Bird on the condition of anonymity said, "When we were notified about the resumption of the operations, we were elated as we waited for four long months for this. However, there was confusion regarding the official letter after several students sought it from the DGCA on the WhatsApp group, only to find the admin removing them from the group."
Another student talking on the condition of anonymity said that it was nothing short of bullying. "All we are asking for is a legitimate piece of proof. The situation is complicated and we hope that things sort out soon," he added. ETV Bharat accessed the letter sent by DGCA to Redbird on February 20, and found that only the 'Baramati' base has been granted the permission for flying.