Bengaluru:The National Investigation Agency (NIA) on Tuesday, March 12, took one person into custody from Karnataka's Bellary. The NIA officials raided the youth's house around 4 am.
The NIA officials have taken him to Bengaluru for further questioning to confirm if there is any link between him and the Rameshwaram blast case.
On March 1, there was a massive explosion at Rameswaram Cafe in Whitefield area of Bengaluru. As many as nine customers were injured. However, as it was an improvised low intensity bomb, no major damage was reported.
The Bengaluru CCB police registered a case under the Unlawful Activities Prevention Act (UAPA) and the Explosive Substances Act and are investigating the incident.
After checking the CCTV footage, it was found that the accused arrived at the cafe with a bag and then left alone. "An important clue has been received in the recent blast case at Rameswaram Cafe and the investigation is being conducted jointly by the state CCB and NIA teams." Home Minister of Karnataka, G Parameshwara said.
A team of NIA officials, which has taken up the investigation of the bomb blast case, visited Rameswaram Cafe on March 5 and initiated an investigation. Three officers led by NIA Superintendent of police visited the cafe and got details of the incident from the cafe staff.