New Delhi:Railway properties worth Rs 313 crore were damaged due to several train accidents in the past five years, the government informed the Lok Sabha on Wednesday. "Total cost of damages to railway property such as rolling stock/tracks etc, in consequential train accidents during the past five years (from April 2019 to March 2024) have been assessed as Rs 313 crore," Railways Minister Ashwini Vaishnaw said in a written reply.
The minister was responding to questions on the total financial loss incurred by the government due to train accidents raised by five MPs -- S Venkatesan, K Subbarayan, PC Gaddigoudar, Selvaraj V and Balwant Baswant Wankhade -- from different political parties. Responding to questions regarding the number of victims who had availed of insurance through e-tickets, Vaishnaw said 22 claims were registered under the Optional Travel Insurance Scheme during the period from November 1, 2019, to October 31, 2024.