Kolhapur (Maharashtra):Rahul Gandhi, the Leader of the Opposition in the Lok Sabha, made an unexpected visit to Kolhapur on Saturday creating a memorable moment for a local tempo driver and his family. Upon arriving at the Kolhapur airport at 10 am, Rahul Gandhi decided to skip his scheduled event and head directly to the home of Ajit Tukaram Sanade, a tempo driver, who stays at Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar Chowk in Uchgaon.
The Sanade family was overwhelmed by his surprise visit. Rahul Gandhi spent over half an hour with them, enjoying tea and breakfast. In a heartwarming gesture, he took charge of the kitchen and cooked eggplant and gram dishes, much to the delight of the family. Ajit Sanade's wife expressed her joy, stating that having a prominent leader in their home was an extraordinary experience.