Pune:A professor and five students of Pune University were arrested for allegedly hurting religious sentiments by staging a play based on 'Ramleela' that reportedly had objectionable dialogues and scenes, police said on Saturday. Dr Pravin Bhole, head of the department of the Lalit Kala Kendra, and students Bhavesh Patil, Jay Pednekar, Prathamesh Sawant, Rishikesh Dalvi and Yash Chikhle were produced in court and later released on bail, the official added.
Functionaries of the RSS-affiliated Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad (ABVP) and students of the Pune University's Lalit Kala Kendra had entered into a scuffle over the play staged on Friday evening. The play by the Lalit Kala Kendra, officially called the Centre for Performing Arts, was based on the backstage banter of actors who perform various roles in 'Ramleela'.
On a complaint lodged by ABVP functionary Harshvardhan Harpude, a case was registered under section 295 (A) (deliberate and malicious intention of outraging the religious feelings of any class) and other relevant provisions of the Indian Penal Code, inspector Ankush Chintaman of Chaturshringi police station said.