Tiruchirappalli(Tamil Nadu):Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Saturday worshipped in the Sri Ranganathaswamy temple at Sri Rangam here, an ancient shrine linked to the Ramayana, and listened to 'Kamba' Ramayana recitation by scholars. Modi, the first Prime Minister to visit the temple, wore a spotless 'veshti' (dhothi) and an angawastram (a shawl) and prayed with folded hands in the Lord Vishnu temple. On his arrival, he was accorded a ceremonial 'poorna kumbha' welcome amid Vedic chanting by priests.
Modi prayed to Sri Ranganathaswamy and he was blessed with 'Sadari' (Crown, symbolising Lord Vishnu's blessings) by temple priests. The PM prayed at several 'sannadhis' (separate enclosures for deities) including those dedicated to Vaishnavite saint-guru Sri Ramanjuacharya and Sri Chakkarathazhwar. He also took blessings from the temple elephant after feeding it. The presiding deity is popularly known in Tamil as Ranganathar.
The Srirangam temple has a religious and Tamil literary connect to the Ramayana. According to religious scholars, the idol of Sri Ranganathaswamy --a form of Vishnu-- at Srirangam was originally worshipped by Lord Ram and His ancestors. When Vibhishana sought a precious gift from Shri Ram, the God presented this idol to him and asked him to worship it. Under Vibhishana's watchful eyes, the Lord Ranganatha idol was installed at Sri Rangam temple in accordance with divine will.
In effect, Modi has sought the blessings from Ranganathaswamy, worshipped by Shri Ram for the consecration of Ram Mandir in Ayodhya. At the temple, Modi listened to Kamba Ramayana verses, one of the very old versions of Ramayana. The Kamba Ramayana was composed by great Tamil poet Kambar in the 12th century.
The temple that PM visited has a deep link to the Kamba Ramayana. It was at the Sri Rangam temple that Kambar, hailed as 'Kavi chakravarthy,' first publicly presented his Ramayana and won the hearts of people. Even today, there is a 'mantapa' in the temple called 'Kamba Ramayana Mantapam' to commemorate that occasion.