Rishikesh: Prime Minister Narendra Modi on October 29 launched the Heli Ambulance Service at AIIMS Rishikesh under the Sanjeevani Yojana. All 13 districts of Uttarakhand will get the benefit of this service. Heli ambulance service will prove to be a boon, especially for the 11 hilly districts of Uttarakhand. This Heli ambulance will provide immediate medical facilities during disasters and accidents in the state.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi virtually joined the programme and launched the Heli Ambulance Service. With this, AIIMS Rishikesh got the honour of being the first medical institution to start the Heli Ambulance Service in the country. When PM Modi virtually launched the Heli Ambulance Service, a large number of MPs and MLAs, including CM Dhami, also joined the programme.