New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi will inaugurate, lay the foundation stone and dedicate to the nation multiple development projects in Tamil Nadu and Maharashtra on Wednesday. The Prime Minister, who reached Tamil Nadu on Tuesday, participated in a programme titled 'Creating the Future - Digital Mobility for Automotive MSME Entrepreneurs' in Madurai and launched two major initiatives designed to support and uplift MSMEs in the Indian automotive industry.
On Wednesday, PM Modi will unveil 36 infrastructure projects worth over Rs 17,000 crore at VO Chidambaranar Port, Tuticorin, Tamil Nadu. In the public programme at Thoothukudi, the Prime Minister will lay the foundation stone of the Outer Harbor Container Terminal at VO Chidambaranar Port. This Container Terminal is a step towards transforming VO Chidambaranar Port into a transhipment hub for the east coast.
The project aims to leverage India's long coastline and favourable geographic location, and strengthen India's competitiveness in the global trade arena, according to a government release. As per the release, the Prime Minister will inaugurate various other projects aimed at making the VO Chidambaranar Port the first Green Hydrogen Hub Port of the country. These projects include a desalination plant, hydrogen production bunkering facility, etc.
PM Modi will also launch India's first indigenous green hydrogen fuel cell inland waterway vessel under the Harit Nauka initiative.", "The vessel is manufactured by Cochin Shipyard and underscores a pioneering step for embracing clean energy solutions and aligning with the nation's net-zero commitments.
Also, Prime Minister will also dedicate tourist facilities in 75 lighthouses across ten States/UTs during the programme. During the programme, Prime Minister will dedicate to nation rail projects the doubling of the Vanchi Maniyachchi - Nagercoil rail line including the Vanchi Maniyachchi - Tirunelveli section and Melappalayam - Aralvaymoli section.
Developed at the cost of about Rs 1,477 crore, the doubling project will help reduce travel time for the trains heading towards Chennai from Kanyakumari, Nagercoil and Tirunelveli. Prime Minister will also dedicate four road projects in Tamil Nadu, developed at a total cost of about Rs 4,586 Crore.
These projects include the four-laning of the Jittandahalli-Dharmapuri section of NH-844, two-laning with paved shoulders of the Meensurutti-Chidambaram section of NH-81, four-laning of the Oddanchatram-Madathukulam section of NH-83, and two-laning with paved shoulders of the Nagapattinam-Thanjavur section of NH-83.
By around 4.30 pm, the Prime Minister will participate in a public programme in Yavatmal, Maharashtra, and inaugurate and dedicate to nation multiple development projects worth more than Rs 4900 crore. As per the government release, the 16th instalment amount of more than Rs 21,000 crores under the Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi (PM-KISAN), will be released at the public programme in Yavatmal, through direct benefits transfer to beneficiaries.