Ahmedabad:Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Monday dedicated to the nation the Bhuj-Naliya Rail Gauge Conversion Project, which was completed at a cost of around Rs 1,094 crore. Addressing the gathering at Lathi in Gujarat, Modi said this rail project will help the people as well as industrials in the region. The tourism sector will also get a boost through this Bhuj-Naliya railway project.
This extensive project features 24 major bridges, 254 minor bridges, three road overbridges and 30 road underbridges, which will play a crucial role in enhancing the socio-economic development of the Amreli district of Gujarat.
Additionally, the PM has laid the foundation stone for Rs 200 crore worth of tourism-related projects, including a world-class sustainable eco-tourism development at the Karli Recharge Reservoir in Mokaisahar, Porbandar districts into a world-class sustainable eco-tourism destination, among others.
He also inaugurated and laid the foundation stone for various development projects worth over Rs 700 crore for the water supply department from the Amreli district. The projects that have been inaugurated include the Navda to Chavand bulk pipeline, which will provide additional water to approximately 67 lakh beneficiaries of various places.
The Prime Minister inaugurated and laid the foundation stones for multiple NHAI projects valued at Rs 2,811 crore. This includes the inauguration of four projects worth Rs 2,185 crore and the foundation-laying of another project valued at Rs 626 crore.